Schooling and flocking

Fish swim in schools, birds fly in flocks – can the physics of fluid dynamics tell us how and why?
MoreFish swim in schools, birds fly in flocks – can the physics of fluid dynamics tell us how and why?
MoreWe live in the ‘expository society’ says Prof Harcourt. Always on our digital devices, driven by desires, we expose ourselves, surrendering our thoughts, whereabouts and personal lives. But at what cost?
MoreThe 2016 US election is ‘a referendum on how polarised the country is’ says Prof Trubowitz. So, which version of America will win the day? An insightful look at the candidates.
More“The American dream is dead. I will bring it back and we will make America great again…..” In nine months Donald Trump has stunned the political establishment, brushing aside other contenders to become the Republican nominee in the race for the…
More“We always write – and read – history thought the prism of our contemporary concerns,” This podcast offers a thoughtful perspective on history, heritage, historiography, and historical sources.
MoreIn the fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel left a trail of breadcrumbs. Every day we leave a trail of digital breadcrumbs – locations tracked by phone companies, transport providers, banks and social apps. Our activities, our likes/dislikes, our contacts are mapped and stored. Who benefits?
MoreCan a melody resist oppression? Can music be a weapon for change?
MoreChina asserts its cyber sovereignty using the internet’s architecture of the Domain Name System (DNS). The control techniques it has pioneered are now used by governments around the world.
MoreMost people with autism report being upset by their encounters with the police, yet police officers say they handle these situations well. Recent research suggests they need special training.
MoreWhat inspires the creation of new music? The sublime choral piece ‘I Will Pour Out My Spirit’ came out of 9th century Iberian liturgy. This podcast takes you through the composition process.
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