It is a hundred years since the Titanic sank. Out of 2224 passengers and crew, only 722 survived. In his book, Titanic, the last night of a small town, social historian John Welshman has developed a new narrative based on the accounts of 12 of the survivors. Here he explains how he approached the task.
In the second podcast in our series on Belief and Non-Belief, author Francis Spufford suggests that despite everything Christianity can still make surprising emotional sense in the 21st century, and explains what he and Sarah Palin have in common.
Groundbreaking new genetic research holds out the promise that no more babies will be born with mitochondria disease. But it raises big ethical questions. Adam Smith investigates.
A guide through the Syria conflict with one of Britain’s most experienced foreign correspondents…
The vOICe technology is a computer programme that helps blind people see with sound. The software scans and converts visual information from a camera into a coded soundscape, which can be interpreted as a sort of ‘synthetic vision’ – effectively allowing the user to see with their ears!
Musician, DJ and radio producer, Chris Berrow, discusses live music and what the word “live” actually means.
Shakespeare in the Arab world, from a production off the coast of Yemen within Shakespeare’s lifetime to an early Egyptian Hamlet that is a musical with a happy ending.
Dr. Hilary Rose considers the promise of interdisciplinarity, and explains her concerns about what she thinks might be the dulling of criticality through such endeavours.
We don’t have earlids, like we have eyelids – so we have to hear sounds whether we like it or not. World famous sound recordist, Chris Watson, seen in the picture recording ants, talks to Ed Prosser about the noise pollution that bombards us day and night.
Think tourism is just for out-of-towners? Think again. Alex Bingham takes a stroll and encounters some of London’s walking guides. She finds out about University of Westminster’s guiding course and a lot more about London.
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