UK trade mission to India, one of the BRIC countries

The UK government is keen to strengthen its trade ties with India. What is the role of universities?
MoreThe UK government is keen to strengthen its trade ties with India. What is the role of universities?
MoreWhy did the Malian Army stage a coup? Why did the French send in troops? Françafrique? Get the backstory.
MoreIt is 10 years since the invasion of Iraq. Was the war worth it? A panel of speakers including Clare Short, Owen Jones, David Aaronovich and Haifa Zangana debate the issues at Goldsmith’s University of London.
MoreDyspraxia can lead to social isolation, anxiety and depression. Now researchers at Goldsmiths think playing with Wii Fit may help improve coordination.
MoreCan yoga help people with mental health problems?
MoreFree societies are robust, argumentative, noisy. The citizens in them have a right to criticise, satirise and mock. They also have the right to be offended.
MoreUK composer Graham Fitkin’s pieces responding to the Iraq War and Guantanamo, Chain of Command and No Doubt, bring together words and music in uncompromising ways.
MoreWith over 1 million young people out of work in the UK, there is growing evidence that a period of youth unemployment scars people for life, both emotionally and financially, and costs £5bn in welfare payments and £10bn in lost economic output. What can be done?
MoreA musical journey from Bach to Dappy, looking at pitch, auditory illusions, ‘perfect pitch’, musical synysthesia and why cash machines use the tritone!
MoreThe East India Company (1600-1858) was the biggest corporation in world history. All but forgotten in the UK – though elsewhere a byword for exploitation and oppression – it leaves an important legacy for the City of London, and, more widely, for what it means to be British.
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