“Nature has been defined as a woman, and both nature and women were then defined into objectification and therefore into objects of violence. Ecofeminism is a celebration of the creativity of nature and the creativity of women,” says Dr Vandana Shiva, world…
An estimated 1% of children worldwide are described as autistic. But what is autism? The EU AIMS project is searching for causes and treatments – what do autistic people and their families think?
Universities are helping their researchers take products to market. We hear about swimming pool covers which heat the water and inhibit algae, apps for use in art galleries and space machines.
More and more women are going into the law as solicitors, barristers, legal executives and academics. Two women barristers talk about how their feminism informs their legal practice.
If economics is about ‘choice under constraint’, then virtual economies are all around us in the digital sphere – retweeting, clicks on facebook, bitcoin, game play. Can our behaviour in virtual economies teach us anything about ‘real world’ economics?
What makes us happy? Research suggests that it is not just how we think, but how we act, and we need a balance between things we find fun and things we find fulfilling.
We’ve got to beat global warming within 50 years, and we can do it with renewable energy, says Prof Barnham. But despite important advances, governments and the scientific establishment need to invest more to make it happen.
Susan Sontag said smelling ‘gives one a sensation of knowledge rinsed clean of thought’. The effect of smell is powerful, but rarely articulated and therefore rarely recorded. So how does an historian of smell go about his work?
What makes us human? When, why and how did the human brain evolve? Prof Gamble explains his ‘social brain’ hypothesis.
Research suggests that 10% of children are victims of bullying and 5% of children are involved in bullying others. Why are some children bullies and others victims?, What can parents do to help?
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