Political Rebellion – Causes Outcomes and Alternatives


For half a century Professor Ted Robert Gurr has conducted social science research and theorised about the causes and consequences of organised political rebellion and protest.
4478942855_b73bfdf5eb_oHis latest book, Political Rebellion Causes Outcomes and Alternatives is a collection of essays looking at how and why, and to what effect, millions of people – from the Castro-inspired revolutionary movements of Latin America in the 1960s to Yugoslavia’s dissolution in ethno-national wars of the 1990s, and the popular revolts of the Arab Spring – have risked their lives by participating in protests and rebellions.

In this interview with Professor Gurr, Pod Academy’s Craig Barfoot explores

  • In which political systems are rebellions likely to be successful and in which are they likely to be unsuccessful
  • How effective are protest movements as alternatives to rebellions and terrorism?
  • What public and international responses lead away from violence and toward reforms?

Political Rebellion: Causes Outcomes and Alternatives is published by Routledge

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