The Green Deal

Universal Credit (UC) and the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) are just two of many reforms that the coalition has put through in this parliament. While both UC and PIP have been thoroughly scrutinised by the media (including yours truly) and…


Beyond the Fragments

Hundreds of people attended the meeting hosted by the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research (BISR) to launch the third edition of the feminist classic text, Beyond the Fragments last Friday (3 May).  Indeed the event had proved so popular that…


Buzz about!

This week, representatives to the European Union voted to enforce a temporary, two-year ban on pesticides, despite the opposition from the UK environmental minister, Owen Patterson, who voted against the ban. Bee numbers have suffered significant and widespread decline in…


Personal Independence Payment

Serious concerns are being raised about the way the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is being administered. Unless you are disabled, you may not know about PIP. It is part of the government’s reshaping of the welfare system and is…


How true blue Thatcherism helped paint society pink

In this blog Chris Creegan looks back at some of the key moments during Margaret Thatcher’s premiership which influenced the shift in attitudes towards homosexuality and created the momentum for subsequent legislative changes….. There are occasions when the blogosphere becomes consumed…


No such thing as society? Thatcher and the welfare state

Christian Stensrud writes:  In the week of Margaret Thatcher’s funeral, it is perhaps worth reflecting on one of the most contentious policy areas influenced by the Thatcher government  – that of welfare. The Thatcher government’s objectives were to revive market…


What are we getting Inter?

Interdisciplinarity research: it’s here, it’s the future. “I think what typifies research today, which is different from even ten years ago, is if you want to do really good research, you need to have multiple methods, multiple disciplines working together”.


Poverty in Britain – we’re going backwards

Levels of deprivation today are worse in a number of vital areas – from basic housing to key social activities – than at any point in the past 30 years, according to a report published today by Poverty and Social Exclusion…


Honest journalists need a regulator to protect them

So, at last the politicians have come off the fence and struck a deal on press regulation in the wake of the Leveson Inquiry.  An independent regulator will be set up by Royal Charter with powers to impose fines on…
