New research about the BBC’s news coverage, covered on The Conversation website, might explain why we are all growing increasingly keen to see crowd-sourced news – videos, blogs and photos from ‘citizen journalists’.
The research, conducted by Cardiff University and funded by the BBC Trust was designed to see whether the BBC is as impartial as it is supposed to be and whether the BBC critics’ claims of ‘left wing bias’ have any foundation. But what it uncovered was more complex and perhaps more interesting:
- There is a growing dominance of party political sources. For example, in the coverage of the European Union, party political sources accounted for 56% of source appearances in 2007 and 79.2% in 2012. The coverage saw Europe almost exclusively through the prism of political infighting between Labour and the Conservatives so a rounded debate about the multiplicity of ways the relationship between the EU and UK affects Britain was almost completely absent.
- Very few organisations other than politicians get a look in. On the issues of immigration and the EU in 2012, for example, out of 806 source appearances, not one was allocated to a representative of organised labour. As the researchers point out, ‘considering the impact of the issues on the UK workforce, and the fact that trade unions represent the largest mass democratic organisations in civil society, such invisibility raises troubling questions for a public service broadcaster committed to impartial and balanced coverage’.
In a period where the most progressive journalists are arguing for journalism as a conversation, The Guardian says the public is the most important media influence, and public cynicism about politicians is rife, this Westminster dominance by the BBC needs to be seriously reviewed.
And they also found that Conservative politicians are on our screens in greater numbers than Labour.
There is a lot more in the report in The Conversation website – take a look it is definitely worth a read.
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