Lecturelist.org – An alternative night out in London

Matthew Davison writes:  Len McCluskey wants the unions to return to an agenda of ‘Educate, Agitate, and Organise’.  Nick Cohen believes that “The price of press freedom is perpetual hyperbole [when arguing against state control]”.  And one billionaire plutocrat believes that “It’s the top 1% that probably contributes more to making the world a better place than the 99%”.  These three disparate facts are linked by a common factor – attendance at free lectures in London during the last week found on The Lecture List.

Developed and managed by the educator and writer Billy Clark and the designer and internet consultant Dug Falby The Lecture List provides a moderated listing service for lectures around the UK, and enables registered users to keep up to date with talks by their favourite speakers, on their favourite subjects, in their favourite venues, and in their geographical area.

As well as providing access to world class academic thought for the price of a travel card, the lecture scene is also highly sociable with many people retiring to the bar afterwards to continue the discussion.  So the next time you find yourself wondering what to do in the evening, check out The Lecture List.  Who knows what you might learn?

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